Download Fillable DS 230 Form – Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration

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Fillable DS 230 Form – Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration

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Form DS-230 must be used when someone is applying for an immigrant alien registration or an immigrant visa. If one plans to immigrate with other family members, a DS-230 form must be completed for every member of the family individually, along with the primary applicant. You may complete this for on a computer using Adobe Reader should you so desire.

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How to Fill-in

This application should be completed with assistance of a consular officer. You would find these offices located within any United States Consulate or Embassy where the immigrant intends to apply for the visa. This application will take approximately one hour per application. If you have multiple applications, be prepared for a long process.

This visa application will contain biographical information and will have two parts for completion. Again, each individual will have to complete this form, it cannot all be completed on one form.

All of these questions are self explanatory. It is very important that you remember that you are required to answer every question clearly. If you find that there are questions that will not apply to you, they must be marked “N/A.” Do not leave anything unanswered or blank. You will only sign part one of the application.

Part 2 of the application will be signed during your interview with an officer. Do not sign the second part of the application until that time.

*Be certain to review your form, once completed, to check for accuracy.

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