Download GED Wizard Instructions – PDF

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GED Wizard Instructions – PDF

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The GED Wizard requires a user to setup before one will be able to take an official test. Here you will find written, step by step instructions with regard to starting an account in GED Wizard so that you will be prepared to take your test and receive your scores when you feel that you are prepared to take and pass your GED examination.

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How to Setup the GED Wizard

  • Step 1 – Setting Up Initial Account

On any browser go to the GEDWizard Website (Secure). You must follow these directions exactly. As well, you must complete the questions that will be presented once you’ve entered your account. If you do not take these steps, you will experience a delay in receiving your GED scores.

  • Step 2 – Creating Your Log In

Once you have clicked on GEDWizard and entered the web site you will see a yellow box at the top of the page. You will be asked if you know your GEDWizard account’s e mail and password. Since you are only now setting up your account, you will go to the box that says “No I don’t.” You will then put in your first name, last name and birth date in the format shown.

  • Step 3 – Next Steps

Click on the words, “next steps,” to continue your sign up. You will see a list of states, you would then scroll down and click on North Carolina for example. You will click on the state where you reside. Then you will click “continue.” The system will then check for your information in the data base in your state. It may take a minute or so. As soon as the system searches and fails to locate your information it will take you to a page that says “My Account” at the top left of the page.

  • Step 4 – My Account 

You must follow this format exactly as described. Do NOT place a personal email address in these boxes, it will not work.

You will begin by adding your new e mail account information. You will type in the e mail address exactly in this format:
Your first name, dot, your last name, dot, your nine didgit social security number with no spaces at your state’s abreviated letters @nc.non. It should look like the example here:
mary.doe.123456789@nc.non (example
you will then confirm the e mail address again by typing the e mail address again in the next box, to confirm.

  • Step 5 – Your Password

Again, you must follow the format exactly as stated. Your password will begin with ABC adding your nine digit social security number with no dashes or spaces. So the password will look something like this:

ABC123456789- ABC and your social security number. This will be your personal password.

  • Step 6 – Answer the questions presented

This will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Once you have completed the questions, click on the save button and then log out so that you may test the system to be certain that your information was properly received.

  • Step 7 – Testing the System and Your Information

Once you have logged out you will be prepared to test the system with your new e mail address and password in GEDWizard. This time when you reach the web site, and are asked if you know your account’s e mail and password, you will go to the box that says “Yes I do.” You will then place your e mail address and password into the system. It will now look like this as an example:

Email- mary.doe123456789@nc.non (first name, last name, ss number @nc dot non)
Password- ABC123456789 (ABC and ss number, no spaces)

You will then be able to log in to your account with GEDWizard, take your test and receive your scores.

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