Download Bridal Shower Invitation Templates | Free

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Bridal Shower Invitation Templates | Free

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Use the bridal shower invitation templates as a way to invite friends and family to your pre-matrimony ceremony. Although the event isn’t formal, a written invitation will impress upon all the recipients that it is still an important event. Instead of buying a set, you can make or download your own to save money. With a little creativity, you can make the perfect invitation that all your guests will enjoy receiving.

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How to Write a Bridal Shower Invitation

Like other invitations, it can begin with a statement like “You are invited to a bridal shower honoring [bride’s name].” Then it can state the date, time, and address of the shower, and request that the recipient RSVP by a certain date.

As far as decorating the invitation, silhouettes of a bride are popular, especially against a brightly colored background. You could go with a more formal-looking invitation with a simple border and sleek cursive font. For an added personal touch, you could include blank spaces for all the information and then write it in yourself.

Below is an example of a bridal shower invitation template you can use to get started with your shower, which you can insert art in or change the language of to suit your tastes. Feel free to lengthen the opening message a bit as well.


Come join us for a bridal shower

honoring Wendy Landham!




Please RSVP by:

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