Download Fillable Open House Sign-in Sheet | PDF | Word

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Fillable Open House Sign-in Sheet | PDF | Word

The open house sign-in sheet is used to obtain contact information of guests entering a home for sale or lease by a real estate agent or Realtor. The form will typically require any entrants to input their name, phone number, e-mail, and any other contact information as requested by the agent.

How to Fill-in


Every individual that comes to the residence should enter the following;

  • Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Telephone Number
  • Reason for Viewing
    • Buying Now
    • Plan to Buy within a Year
    • Need to Sell a Property
    • Just Shopping

After the open house has been conducted, the selling agent will usually contact the prospective buyers or lessee’s to see if they have any interest in the property.

Download (PDF, 206KB)

