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Pet Addendum Template | Fillable PDF | RTF | Word

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A pet addendum acts as an provision to a lease for a home rental will stipulate that no pets are permitted to live in the apartment without the prior approval of the landlord. A pet addendum to the lease agreement will be the written expression of that permission, if the landlord chooses to grant it. It should be presented to the tenant at the same time as the lease, and they should be agreed to simultaneously. It need not repeat any information or conditions already covered in the rental agreement.

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How to Write a Pet Addendum for a Rental Agreement

This document should be titled as the Pet Addendum, or something to that effect, and it must refer specifically to the rental lease being agreed to. Prominent spaces for the date, the tenant’s name, and the property’s address will be included at the top of the document

Next, the pet addendum to the lease agreement will restate the fact that pets, in general are prohibited. It then goes on to state that an exception is being made for one specific animal.

There will be spaces in the document for the names of the owner and the pet, as well as its species, breed, and weight. The animal control license number and the jurisdiction issuing the license must be listed. There must also be a space for its rabies vaccination date.

A properly written pet addendum to a lease agreement will have a long list of conditions the owner must agree to. These will vary with different landlord and with different types of housing. There will also be variation state by state and with differing municipalities, as laws covering these situations will differ.

First and foremost, the tenant must agree to be responsible for any damages the pet causes. A bond or an insurance policy may be required. The agreement will also stipulate that the pet must always be under the tenant’s control when it is outside the housing unit and still on the landlord’s property. It will also state that the pet is not allowed to be in such indoor common areas such as any clubhouse or laundry room.

There must be a requirement that the tenant must prevent the pet from creating so much noise as to unduly annoy the other tenants. The tenant must also agree to make sure that the cleanliness of the animal’s surroundings will be adequate to ensure that unpleasant odors do not emanate from the tenant’s unit.

In addition, on the event of the tenant vacating the premises, the tenant must agree to pay any costs involved in restoring the unit to its previous rentable condition.

At the end of the Pet Addendum, there is a warning that any violation of this agreement is cause for the removal of the pet. There must be spaces for both the tenant to sign and date the document.

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