Download Order Form Templates

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Order Form Templates

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For any Order Form Template, the first order of business is to proudly and distinctly identify your company. On the very top, there should be a place to insert your company logo. Then, there is a places to insert your company name, address, phone and fax numbers and your email address and website.

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How to Use an Order Form Template

The basic Order Form Template can be quite simple. First, there must be spaces for the company name of the customer and for the first and last name of the contact person at the customer’s company. There must also be places for the contact person’s phone number, fax number and email address.

It is a fact of business life that the address to which the order is shipped is usually not the same address to which the bill for the purchase is sent. The billing address comes first on the Order Form Template. Below it comes the shipping address. In both instances, there must be spaces on the template for the customer’s street address, city, state, zip code, as well as for the phone, fax and email.

Next on the simple Order Form Template is the section where the products that the customer has bought are listed. This section, which takes up most of the rest of the template, is divided into four columns. One line is devoted to each type of product that has been ordered. The first column is for quantity. The second and largest column is for the item’s description and or stock number. The third is for the item’s price, and the final column, the subtotal, is for the quantity times the item’s price.

Underneath the subtotal column, the template will leave a place for a total. Beneath that will be spaces for sales tax and shipping charges. There will then be a total amount, which the customer will ultimately be billed for.

These types of Order Form Templates are available online, and they offer more choice than what would generally be available at a commercial printing shop. Some of the sites offering them online are advertiser supported, and others charge for the templates. They can be downloaded as Excel files or MS Word files, as well as in other formats. You do have considerable ability to modify most of these types of formats repeatedly, but you should choose one that already has the look and feel of what you want.

You can also find systems online to create a much more complex form. As an example, under the column tab described earlier for description and item number, you can place a drop-down menu whose choices will include all your company’s products. Once the user chooses the item, the price will appear in its column. And, the multiplication of price times quantity also happens automatically.


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