Download MLA Format Heading | PDF | Word | RTF

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MLA Format Heading | PDF | Word | RTF

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The Modern Language Association Style, known as the MLA Style, is widely used academically when writing a paper, by authors when writing a book and in a variety of other situations. This is a standardized manner of presenting one’s work which will include parameters on everything from page margins to headings.

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How to Use a MLA Format Heading

Section headings are important because they may increase the readability of a subject matter. A good example can often be found in a textbook there may be one major subject matter but several additional subtopics.

The MLA has some strict basic guidelines to make sure that the reader knows when they are beginning a new topic in a chapter or section. This should be done with an Arabic numeral, a period, a space, then the title of the heading. This is a strict format however there is a certain amount of freedom which one may utilize. For instance, one may wish to italicize or bold each heading. Additionally, an author may have a preference to centering or for making sure the heading is flushed to the left margin. Any of these formats are acceptable however it must be consistent throughout the work. Thus, if the first heading is centered and underlined all subsequent headings must be as well.

Additionally, in some instances, there may be other levels then one main topic, a chapter, and a subtopic. There may be many subtopics in a section. In the case of many levels to a subject each heading must follow the same basic format of starting with an Arabic numeral and a period then a space and the title. One may separate each subtopic within a section with a decimal number. For instance, section 1.1 is a subtopic within section 1. The important facet is to be consistent with placement and font, remain consecutive, and to use the Arabic numeral, period, space, then the section/subtopic title. It is inadvisable to have too many levels within a section however since this may be counterproductive.

It is important to note that MLA guidelines require a one inch margin on all sides. Thus, deciding a subtopic will be flushed to the left margin will place it one inch to the left edge of the physical paper. Section headings and subtopic headings must always remain in the margins.


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