Download Wedding Invitation Template

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Wedding Invitation Template

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When you have many guests to invite to an occasion, writing or creating each one from scratch can be overwhelming. Use a wedding invitation template to speed up the process so you can focus more on the celebration itself. Using a template to invite guests will save time, but it also lets you make uniform invitations that look professional as well.

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What to Include

Similar to other invitations, wedding invites should include the names of the bride and groom, the date, time, duration, and location of the wedding. Don’t forget the after-party or reception. Often, you can include this info on the front of the card, but you can create a unique invitation by leaving only a photo or graphic on the front instead. A photo of the couple to be married engaged in a casual expression of love is a great way to make the invites stand out.

It’s popular to include a classic or stylized font to add elegance to the invites, and often the bride and groom’s names are bolded and larger than the other text.

Creating the Template

You can use basic word processing software to make nice-looking wedding invitations, but you will need to use a more sophisticated program to include photos or other graphics.

A basic program should let you incorporate or create a suitable invitation template, and you will be able to alter and resize the text and enter basic graphics. A graphics program will let you adjust minute details on different layers of the image, so you can achieve the perfect resolution and colors to suit your invitations, and even create customized themes. Going layer by layer, you can start with the background, then add basic text, then add the bride and groom’s names, and finally any remaining graphical accents, such as floral arrangements, and then make any final adjustments.

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