Download Family Reunion Registration Form | PDF | Word

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Family Reunion Registration Form | PDF | Word

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The family reunion registration form is used to gather family members together to create an event that may or may not involve lodging. Depending on how extravagant the the reunion is the organizers will usually ask for dues based on how many members of the family are going to arrive. Payments are usually made ahead of time in the chance of cancellation.

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How to Write

Family Reunion Registration Form | PDF RTF | Word

Family Reunion Registration Form | PDF | RTF | Word

The form will be sent to the family members after being filled-in by the organizers. The organizer should fill in the following information;

  • Registration Deadline
  • Fees
    • Elders (84+)
    • Adults & Youth (13-83)
    • Pre-Teens (6-12)
    • Children (5 and Under)
  • Registrant’s Information
    • Name
    • Address
    • Home Phone
    • Cell Phone
    • Email
    • Facebook

The Attendee should complete the following;

  • Name and Age of All Family Members Attending
  • Payment Information
  • Attendee’s Signature

Due to the family not usually accepting credit cards for events such as this it is advised to send funds via check or Paypal.

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