Download General Blank Bill of Sale Form | PDF | Word

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General Blank Bill of Sale Form | PDF | Word

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A general bill of sale is a form that is used to transfer the ownership of any type of item or service for a set purchase price. Once the agreement has been established the form should be signed with the each party’s information and the item, along with the money, should exchange hands. Upon both items being transferred the sale is complete and the buyer and seller should retain a copy of the bill of sale for their records.

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How to Write

General Bill of Sale | Adobe PDF | Rich Text Format (RTF) | Microsoft Word (.doc)

General Bill of Sale | Adobe PDF | Text (RTF) | Microsoft Word (.doc)

Going from the top of the form down to the bottom the document should be filled-in with the following;

  • Date
  • Name of Seller
  • Purchase Price (Numerical)
  • Purchase Price (Text)
  • Name of Buyer
  • Description of Item
  • Serial Number (if any)
  • Seller’s Name (Print)
  • Seller’s Signature
  • Seller’s Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code
  • Seller’s Phone Number
  • Buyer’s Name (Print)
  • Buyer’s Signature
  • Buyer’s Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code
  • Buyer’s Phone Number

After the form has been authorized each party should keep a copy. The sale is now final and the party’s should exchange the item and the funds immediately.


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