Download Alabama LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Alabama LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The Alabama articles of organization allow an individual to create a limited liability company on their own by filing the form with their county probate court (Unless it’s a foreign LLC which would file with the Secretary of State).

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  • Verify Business Name – It is a recommended before filing to check the business database to make sure that the name you have selected has not already been registered. There are no duplicate names allowed and even if it is considered similar by the State the application will be rejected.

How to File

Step 1Select the Form – Choose the articles of organization form that best fits the company you are forming;

  • Domestic – For all new companies that will be located inside the State
  • Foreign – For all established companies located outside the State

Step 2Attach Fee – Pay the filing fee by writing a check making payable to the Secretary of State. For domestic filers, check with the County Probate Judge’s Office to ensure that there are no other fees associated with the document.

  • Domestic – $100
  • Foreign – $150
  • *Add $100 to any filing in order to request it be expedited

Step 3Mail – Send to the fee and completed articles to the following addresses;

You will receive your filing formation within 10 to 14 business days


  • Operating Agreement – Is advised to be completed for two reasons; 1) For companies with more than one owner, it verifies the ownership status if it was ever to be questioned in the court of law and 2) If an individual or entity tries to sue you for any reason, only the assets of the LLC may be obtained.
  • SS-4 – The SS-4 form allows any entity to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This is necessary in order to conduct simple financial transactions such as open a bank account. The number may be applied for online and takes only fifteen (15) minutes to get.


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