Download Appreciation Thank You Letter Templates | Samples

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Appreciation Thank You Letter Templates | Samples

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Sending a thank you letter to someone else for taking time out of his or her schedule to help you or celebrate a special occasion with you is a classy way to show your appreciation. Not only that, but it can make an impression and help you develop your relationship with the recipient.

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How to Write


Thank you letters will all be generally similar, but will take a different tone depending on whether they are to friends or family, or to business associates. Thus, in a thank you letter to wedding attendees for example, you would address recipients by their first names, without “Mr.” or “Ms.” and you could include snippets about your relationship or the other person’s personality that you enjoy. In a thank you letter to a coworker or business colleague, you would use formal titles and write only about professional, business-related matters.

Thank you letters will vary in length as well. Some letters, such as thank you notes to birthday guests, could be just a few sentences long. Professional thank you letters could be several paragraphs though. Do be concise and stay on point, however. It won’t impress a client or interviewer if you write a number of sentences that are repetitive or only partially relevant.

For the content of the letter, begin with a sincere expression of thanks. For example, in a wedding thank you letter, you could write how lovely it was for the recipient to join you for the celebration of your union, and give thanks for the gift. After thanking him or her, you could give a more specific instance that shows why you enjoy that person’s company. For a professional thank you letter, you would say how the person’s specific skills helped you with the task you were working on together.

Next, you can elaborate on what the person’s contribution means in the overall context of the project. For example, state how the contribution has given you more confidence with the subsequent tasks you must do to complete the project, or how the new skills you learned from working with the letter recipient will help you complete the project. These principles are meant to guide you; do not use these verbatim. Instead, use specific examples that fit these principles.

For a less formal letter to friends or acquaintances, you could elaborate on what your relationship means to you, express interest in seeing the person again soon, or say it was nice to meet the person. Finally, for any letter, thank the person once again for taking time to celebrate with you or work with you.

End the letter with “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” and then sign the letter and type your name below your signature.

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