Download Bridal Shower Thank You Notes | Text (.txt)

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Bridal Shower Thank You Notes | Text (.txt)

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A bridal shower thank you note is after you’ve enjoyed receiving the warm wishes and generous gifts during your event, it’s only natural to take some time to spread this feeling back to your guests. Here’s how to write effective bridal shower thank you notes to show your gratitude.

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How to Write

Being organized will help make the writing easier if you have many thank you notes to write. Try to sit down and write them soon after the shower so your thoughts will be fresh. Then send them within one or two weeks of the shower. Most people buy thank you cards with a “Thank You” message on the front, but you can certainly create your own with a little graphic design know how. In any case, it’s sufficient to use a card that merely says thank you with a short 2- to 4-sentence handwritten message.

  • Make a list

Make a list of everyone who attended your shower and then write down which gift each person brought. It’s best to write thank you notes to everyone who attended, regardless of whether they brought a gift. Also, note any other ways each guest contributed, for example, by bringing food or hosting the shower.

  • Writing each note

Begin each note with “Dear [first name],” since these notes should have a personal tone, and you are likely close with many of the recipients. Then you can immediately thank them for their presence and their gift, if they gave one.

If the guest gave a gift, write a sentence or two about what you like about it or how you will use it, which shows what the gift means to you and should make the recipient feel appreciated for giving it.

Then, write a statement or two about how you enjoyed the guest’s presence or about your relationship with the guest in general. This will give the guest a fonder memory of the event. Finally, state that you hope they can attend the wedding and that you look forward to seeing them there. If you know they cannot attend the ceremony, you can write that you look forward to seeing them again in the future.

To end the note, you can briefly thank the guest again, then write a warm closing such as “Warm regards,” or “Love,” and sign the note below.


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