Download Business Card Templates | Blank | Word

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Business Card Templates | Blank | Word

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As a professional representation of you, your business card needs to leave an impression. In addition to your contact information, the card should grab the reader’s attention and reflect your professionalism. Whether you will use business cards to help clients keep in touch or for personal contacts, it’s important to design it knowing that it needs to leave a good first impression. In almost any case, a business card has to present a professional image of you just as your attire or conversational tone would in a business environment. Another crucial factor in creating your cards is that the design should complement your type of business. For example, a baker’s card could involve more colorful graphics and text than a financial advisor’s. You can incorporate some personal style or elements related to your field, but make sure that your card conveys professionalism in any case. The design elements to consider include:

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  • Paper stock
  • Typeface
  • Formatting
  • Color and graphics

How to Use a Business Card Template

For any business card, you want to use high-quality paper stock. Business cards typically use 14-point paper, which is thick and sturdy, but 16-point paper will give your card a more luxurious feel. You can even find super-thick versions that laminate two cards together. You will also want to consider whether your card should feature a glossy or matte finish. Glossy finishes can look more compelling with a more graphics-heavy business card in a graphics-related field, but could look over stylized for other types of cards and businesses. Graphics and color can really make your card stand out if used subtly and for the right card. A bright floral arrangement, for example, would be practically essential for a florist’s card. Corinthian columns could add some sophistication and seriousness to a Greek restaurateur’s card. Cards for more esteemed professions, however, should avoid any vivid imagery, such as cards for lawyers or bankers. Typeface is another important design component that can make your business card stand out just enough.

Traditionally, fonts like Arial and Times New Roman are popular on business cards, but you can stray from these somewhat to distinguish your cards. Rockwell, Elephant, and Century Gothic typefaces will all remain readable and professional looking, but give your card a unique touch. Be sure not to make the font too small so the reader does not have to squint. For a simple method to create a business card, Microsoft Word has a business card template you can find by clicking “New” under the File tab, which will draw up a list of business card templates you can choose from. You can also use the Labels function, located under the Mailings header in Word, to create business cards. There are business card templates you can use as a label template, and then you simply add text and graphics and format it. Remember to include all of your business’s contact information: address, phone number, email, URL, and hours.


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