Download Connecticut Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Connecticut Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Connecticut power of attorney allows for the representation of someone else for durable (financial) and medical purposes. The financial form is good for use after it has been completed and authorized in front of a notary public, and the medical does not become valid unless the Principal becomes in a mental state where he or she can no longer think for themselves. To view all the rules in relation to forming this type of relationship it is recommended to view the Connecticut Law About Powers of Attorney.

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  • Durable – Use this document to transfer financial power to a selected agent in so that he or she may be able to act in your place for your best interests. The representative you select will be able to handle any type of monetary transaction “in your shoes” and only voids upon the signing of a revocation or upon the Principal’s death.
  • Medical – Use this document to elect an agent to represent your health care needs in the unfortunate circumstance that you may not be able to do so for yourself. In order to get medical power of attorney you and your selected agent must complete this form and sign in the presence of a notary public.
  • Tax (LGL-001) – Allows a person to select someone else to handle his or her tax filing in Connecticut. It is recommended that you choose a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or tax attorney.
  • Vehicles (DMV) – Allows a person to delegate to someone else decision making power to handle any type of action act the Dept. of Motor Vehicles in Connecticut on their behalf. This one (1) page document must be notarized with you and your selected agent present in order for it to be legal.
  • Bank Accounts – Choose someone to handle any type of financial related matter in relation to specific bank accounts. When choosing your agent, the exact accounts including their numbers must be listed. Does not grant broad banking powers on behalf of the principal.
  • Revocation – Cancel any type of power of attorney form that has been created by using this document. Make sure that it is given to any and all institutions or associations that may have been tied to the form created.


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