Download DA Form 2062 – Hand Receipt/Annex Number

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DA Form 2062 – Hand Receipt/Annex Number

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The DA Form 2062, often referred to as a ‘Hand Receipt’, is a form used by the US Army for keeping track of army property. It can be downloaded from the US Army website, and will be supplied to any member of the service when he or she takes possession of any army property. Detailed instruction on how to fill out the DA Form 2062 can be found in the Department of the Army’s Pamphlet DA PAM 710-2-1.

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From time to time, there are versions of the DA Form 2062 already filled out for some of the Army’s most often used equipment. There are also partially filled out forms available for some of this widely used form’s more typical uses

The DA Form 2062 is often used as Hand Receipts, which are listings of durable, non-expendable items assigned to individuals and units. Other uses for this form include use as a Hand Receipt Annex, a Component Hand Receipt, or as a Hand Receipt With End Item Components.

Filling out the DA Form 2062 will vary considerably, depending on its intended use. In almost all cases, however, the first two boxes on the top of the form’s first page identify the person or unit supplying the property and the person or unit to whom the property is being transferred. The third and final box on the first line is for numbering the form.

It is the Annexer who fills in the second line of the DA Form 2062. This second line contains separate boxes that he or she fills in for the item’s stock number, its description, its publication number and finally, its publication date. The final box on this line is for the quantity of the items being transferred.

The rest of the DA Form 2062 is in a grid format, with one line for each item. The two leftmost boxes, Box A and Box B, are for the item’s stock number and its description.

The next box, Box C, is filled in differently, depending on the specific use that this DA Form 2062 is being put to. If it is being used specifically as a Hand Receipt, this box is filled in with the Hand Receipt Annex Number.

If the form is being used for Quarter’s Furniture, there are boxes to hold information regarding the physical condition of the furniture at the time of transfer. If, on the other hand, this DA Form 2062 is being used as a Components Receipt, there are boxes available to contain the necessary Accounting Codes.


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