Download Daycare Sign In Sheet | PDF | RTF | Word

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Daycare Sign In Sheet | PDF | RTF | Word

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At a minimum, a Daycare Sign In Sheet will start with the facility’s name at the very top, and perhaps it’s logo. Underneath that, there will be a space to type or clearly print the child’s name, and the month during which the information is being gathered.

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The purpose of the next row is to define the columns that occupy the rest of our basic Daycare Sign In Sheet. The first column is the date. The next two columns are for the sign in time and a parent’s signature acknowledging the correctness of that time. The last two columns are the time that the child leaves the facility with the parent, and, again, the parent’s signature.

A variation of this theme would include an extra column for each individual child’s name, so there would be one sign in sheet for the entire facility. Of course, there no longer needs to be a place for a child’s name at the top of the Daycare Sign In Sheet in this version.

Some daycare facilities use a weekly sheet. The facility is identified at the top of the page, and there is a space to write in the week being tallied. There is a column for the child’s name, and a column for each day of the week, divided into sub-columns specifying when the child was dropped off and when he or she was picked up. There is also a column for comments. However, there is no place for the parent or guardian to sign, affirming that he or she did, in fact, drop off or pick up the child. Because of this serious omission, very few facilities will use this sort of Day Care Sign In Sheet.

Printing the weekly sign in sheet with a landscape orientation will allow each line to be longer. This will allow room for signatures, eliminating the rather serious problem described above. This type of Daycare Sign in Sheet has one column for the child’s name and one column for each day of the week. The child’s name occupies the full row, but under each day of the week, this large row is divided into two sub-rows. The top sub-row is for the time the child was dropped of and for the parent’s signature, and the bottom sub-row is for the time the child is released into the parent’s care, and his or her signature.

A variation on the landscape Daycare Sign In Sheet theme will display four, rather than two sub-rows for each child’s name. This way, it is possible for the parent to take the child out of daycare, perhaps for lunch. Then, when the child is returned to the facility to round out the day, the form can record the child’s return and his or her final departure for the day.

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