Download Delaware Notary Public Forms

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Delaware Notary Public Forms

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All Notary applications in the state of Delaware are completed via the internet. Once you enter the link below, you will be prompted step by step with proper instruction. You will maintain any communication through email. No education is required, although it is recommended. No Bond is required. There is a Notary fee of $60.00 fee for a 2 year commission period (See Fee Schedule).

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  • Requirements
    • Must be at least 18 years of age
    • Proof of legal residence in the state of Delaware or proof of place of employment/workplace within the state.
    • Two letters of recommendation.
    • Provide a reasonable need to become a notary in the state of Delaware.
    • Good reputation and character.


Step 1 – Delaware Notary Application – Visit the online application system for Notaries Public for the state of Delaware. Follow all prompts and instructions.

Step 2 – Commission & Oath of Office – Once you’ve received your commission, oath of office must be taken before a Notary Public who will also witness your signature at that time. A copy of the Oath of Office must be provided by e mail (preferred), USPS or fax to the Secretary of State. As well all Notaries Public, in the New Castle County area must register at the Prothonotary’s Office.

Step 3 – Order Notary Supplies – Once your Commission has been received and recorded in your county of residence or work place, you may then order your notary supplies and begin your business as a Delaware Notary Public.

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