Download Delaware Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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Delaware Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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The Delaware rental lease agreements allow a person looking to occupy property (Tenant) to make a deal on paper with an owner. The most popular term is one (1) year and both parties (Landlord and Tenant) will be subject to the terms and conditions of the signed agreement.

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  • Standard Lease – Legally binds a tenant and landlord for a period of time (12-Months is the most common) where one agrees to make monthly payments in return to be able to occupy property. During such time, the landlord is responsible for keeping up with the day to day maintenance while the tenant is required to pay on time.
  • Month to Month – Allows a person to be able to rent property from a management company or Landlord for thirty (30) days at a time. As long as the payments are made every month the term of the agreement is ongoing until either party decides to change with written notice usually about a month in advance.
  • Sublease – Is an arrangement that allows a person that is under a rental contract to be able to let someone else occupy the same space in exchange for payment. This is common among apartments or homes with roommates but can be done with any type of residential dwelling as long as it does not violate the original lease terms and conditions

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Maximum – There is a cap of one (1) months’ rent that a landlord may request at the beginning of the lease agreement. The deposit must be held in an escrow account that is federally insured.
    • Return – The landlord must give back the deposit within twenty (20) days of the lease end date or termination of the agreement. If the money is not given back to the tenant during the time frame there is a penalty of paying back the tenant double what he or she was owed.
  • Pet Deposit – In addition to the security deposit, the landlord may ask for a pet deposit up to one (1) months’ rent. If the damage made by the pet exceeds the deposit, the security deposit may be deducted.
  • Payment of Rent
    • When Rent is Due – Penalties cannot be made until after the fifth (5th) day after rent is due.
    • Penalties – No more than five percent (5%) of the monthly rental amount per day
  • Increase in Rent – During a month to month tenancy a landlord may change the rent at anytime, but must give the landlord at least sixty (60) days notice before it goes into effect
  • Entry – The landlord must give at least forty-eight (48) hours notice before entering the property for any non-emergency use
  • Disclosure – The landlord must notify the tenant if of lead paint if the structure on the property was built prior to 1978.

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