Download Employee Complaint Forms | PDF | RTF | Word (.doc)

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Employee Complaint Forms | PDF | RTF | Word (.doc)

An Employee Complaint Form is a document used by the employee to let the employer know that all is not well with his or her relation to the company, his supervisors, or with other employees. The complaint may be about scheduling, salary or even harassment, although the latter usually calls for a more specialized sort of documentation.

How to Write

The simplest type of Employee Complaint Form begins with a box at the top in which the employee identifies him or herself by name address, telephone number and email address. Larger concerns will also require the employee ID number and workstation address.

This type of form will list the types of complaints most common to the employer, with sufficient space underneath each to briefly describe the specific issue. There will also be an “Others” category if the nature of the employee’s difficulty doesn’t fit into any of the more typical, established categories.

Another type of Employee Claim form, after providing space for the employee to self identify, will start by asking the date on which the problem began. It will then ask what the nature of the complaint is, and below that, will provide space for the evidence that the employee can offer to support the claim. Finally, before asking the employee to sign and date the form, there is space for the aggrieved party to state what he or she would like to see done about the problem.

A more formal Employee Complaint Form begins by informing the complaining individual that all such complaints are fully investigated by the company’s Human Resources Department, and asks for the names of all individuals involved in the issue. It will then provide a small space to describe the problem, but lets the individual know that it is permissible to submit extra notes on separate page(s), if necessary.

This more formal form provides assurances that identities will be protected, but only so far as it does not interfere with the proper resolution of the issue. In this case, both the employee and the Human Resources Representative must sign and date the Employee Complaint Form.

Regardless of the specific type of Employee Claim Form that is used, it behooves the employee filing the complaint to be as concise as possible, because few managers will take the time to read a long, drawn out diatribe.

Very often, Employee Complaint Forms will include section(s) for the Supervisor’s or the Human Resource Representative’s response to the employee’s complaint, to be filled in after an inquiry into the matter.

The date and time of any meeting s will be entered, as will be the facts as determined by the official. That administrator will be asked to state in writing on the Employee Claim Form whether he or she considers the claim to be valid, and why. The remedy suggested by the employee will also be evaluated, the official’s suggestions will be stated in writing, and the official will sign and date the completed form.

