Download Fillable AF Form 910 – Air Force Member Evaluation Form

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Fillable AF Form 910 – Air Force Member Evaluation Form

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Form 910 used to evaluate the performance of enlisted Air Force members. Every enlisted member is evaluated over the time they are enlisted in service with the Air Force. This form is also known as the Enlisted Performance Report. This report is completed annually with each and every enlisted member.

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How to Fill-in

  • Step 1 – Personal Information of the Enlisted

In boxes 1-6 the superior officer will provide the identifying information as well as the contact information for the enlisted Air Force member. This will include the name, SS number, rank, PAS information and command.

  • Step 2 – Performance Evaluation

In this section the superior officer will evaluate and record the actual performance of the enlisted member.

  • Step 3 – Evaluation Process of the Enlisted

The superior officer will then grade each member on a grading scale from 1-5. Number one in the scale would indicate poor performance, while number five would show exemplary performance. The officer will evaluate these performances accordingly, discussing them with the enlisted.

  • Step 3 – Grading of the Enlisted

After the evaluation has been completed, the superior officer will place a grade on the form. The officer who would rate the enlisted is allowed to also provide confidential comments or a confidential report with regard to the enlisted parties overall performance for the review of others in the future.

  • Step 4 – Completion of Evaluation

Upon completion and grading of the evaluation there will be some formalities required for the superior officer to properly submit and file form 910. All attachments relevant to the evaluation must be filed along with the results.

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