Download Fillable DA Form 67-9 | Officer Evaluation Report

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Fillable DA Form 67-9 | Officer Evaluation Report

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The DA Form 67-9 is a US Army Officer Evaluation Report (OER) Support Form. It can be downloaded from numerous online sources, and it can also be filled in online and downloaded to your computer. As it states on the very top of the form, the evaluator who uses this form can consult AR 623-3, which covers the Army’s Evaluation Reporting System. The evaluator is also prominently advised that the Proponent Agency involved is DCS, G1, The Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Department of the Army, United States Army.

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This form is often used in conjunction with DA Form 67-9-1, also an Army Officer Evaluation Report (OER) Support Form, which supports career development and counseling. Also closely related is DA Form 67-9-1a, which is used with more junior officers.

The stated purpose of DA Form 67-9 is to be used as the “primary source of information for Office of Personnel Management decisions”. When filled out, it will point out individuals who are good candidates for promotion and for greater responsibility. It will also form a basis in establishing which soldiers should best be retained in grade, and others whose separation from service might best serve the Army’s interests.

How to Fill in DA Form 67-9

  • Part 1 is for Administrative Data. Here, the soldier is identified, the evaluation period is specified and other similar information is garnered. Part II is Authentication. The Rater, the Intermediate Rater, and the Senior Rater are all identified. In Part III, the Principal Duty Title of the officer being evaluated is specified, as are duties and responsibilities.
  • Part IV of DA Form 67-9 is entitled “Performance Evaluation – Professionalism”, and is completed by the Rater. The officer being rated is evaluated as to Army Values such as Honor, Integrity, Courage, Loyalty, Respect, Selfless Service and Duty. The second section of Part B is devoted to the Leadership Attributes such as personal attributes, skills and actions. The results of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) are also recorded.
  • Part V is of the DA Form 67-9 is also completed by the Rater. First, overall performance is noted as “Outstanding Performance, Must Promote”, “Satisfactory Performance, Promote”, “Unsatisfactory Performance, Do Not Promote” or “Other”. There also are three other subsections for the Rater to offer other comments on in specific areas.
  • Section VI is devoted entirely for comments from the Intermediate Rater. Section VII is for the Senior Rater’s input. This more senior officer will rate the qualifications of the officer under evaluation and will compare him to a broad section of his or her peers. The Senior Rater will also be asked to comment on performance and potential, and also offer comments on the officer’s possible future work in the Army.

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