Download Fillable DD Form 200 – Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss

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Fillable DD Form 200 – Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss

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The DD Form 200 is a form provided by the Department of Defense for the investigation. It’s purpose, primarily is to investigate and assess any financial charges for any lost, destroyed or damaged equipment and the financial liability for such losses for Department of Defense property.

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How to Fill-in

  • Step 1 – Investigators Information

The investigator must complete the basic information. Boxes 1 and 2 must contain the date the investigation is initiated and the investigation number. You will then complete boxes 3-10 will require information provided about the property losses. Box 9 will be used to describe the loss, this will likely require additional sheets for narrative.

  • Step 2 – Actions to be Taken As a Result of Loss

Again this is likely to require a lengthy narrative with regard to actions taken as a result of any losses and may require additional sheets for attachment after you’ve filled in what you can in box 10.

  • Step 3 – Certification of Form by Investigator

You must provide your information in box 11. Then certify the form with your signature.

Step 4- Appointing/Reviewing Authority-

If there is an appointing authority, they must complete boxes 13 and 14 also providing additional information with regard to the loss of property. You may need to provide additional sheets for your comments and findings.

  • Step 5 – Financial Liability Officer Report

Box 15 will require a report from the Financial Liability Officer. Supplication of their report will include will be their findings and recommendations, estimated monetary loss and liability to be incurred. If an individual is found responsible, they must sign the form with an attached acceptance of responsibility or objection to the loss.

  • Step 6 – Completed Form Submission

Upon completion of the form the must submitted to proper accounting authorities and copies should be provided to all parties who have participated in the investigation.


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