Download Fillable DD Form 577- Appointment or Elimination of Appointment

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Fillable DD Form 577- Appointment or Elimination of Appointment

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  • Instructions on 2nd page of form

A DD Form 577 is a Department of Defense Form that is used to record appointments of officers to governmental positions in the military or government functions. This form will be used to identify and inform the officer of their appointment. The same completed form will also be used again to inform the officer once the appointment has been eliminated.

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How to Fill Out

Step 1– Download Form 577 – Download the form in preparation of completion by both the Appointing Authority and the Appointee.

Step 2 – Appointing Authority Completion – The first part of the form is to be completed by the appointing authority or the person in command who will do the appointment.

Step 3 – Signature and Date by Appointing Authority – The Appointing Official will need to sign and date the form in box 4 and box 5.

Step 4 – Naming Appointee – Appointing officer will identify the appointee and provide all of their personal information including social security number taken from the Department of Defense records. The Appointing Authority will then check one of the boxes provided and/or describe the appointees duties of appointment in the box in section two.

Step 5 – Appointees Signature to Appointment – Once the first two sections are completed by the Appointing Authority, the form must be presented to the Appointed officer to complete section three which acknowledges the appointment by signing 16 and 17.


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