Download Florida LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Florida LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The Florida LLC articles of organization forms represent the application to be used when registering a new limited liability company. An individual may apply online or through the traditional paper formation process through the standard mail. There is a filing fee of $125 that can be processed online or attached to the form when sent in the mail. If the applicant has any questions about the laws in Florida they should review the LLC Booklet provided by the State.

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  • Business Database – When selecting your entity name, be sure to search the business database in order to make sure the name is original and has not been previously registered with the Secretary of State.

How to File

Option 1 – File by going to to the SunBiz website. You will be prompted at the end of your session to pay the $125 filing fee.


Option 2 – If you are doing a paper filing select from one of the following forms;

  • Domestic – For all LLC’s to be located inside the State
  • Foreign – For all LLC’s that are located outside the State

be sure to attach a check payable to the Florida Secretary of State in the amount of $125 to the following address:

Registration Section
Division of Corporations
P.O. Box 6327
Tallahassee, FL 32314

  • You will receive your completed LLC within 3 to 5 business days via mail.


  • Apply for an EIN – Allows a person to register a tax ID number by the Internal Revenue Service to the LLC.
  • Operating Agreement – This document protects the Members of a Multi Membered LLC and helps provide proof of an operating business for tax status of a Single Member company.


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