Download Indiana Divorce Forms and Papers

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Indiana Divorce Forms and Papers

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To file Indiana divorce papers, one or both spouses must have been a resident of the sate for 6 months or more, and the process without an attorney begins with one of the spouses taking the initiative to do the actual filing. Which one that is will have no bearing on the outcome. He or she must download a packet of forms called the Indiana Divorce Papers.

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How to File

There are five (5) forms that initially to be filled out and filed. They are the;

If there are minor children involved, the Child Support Worksheet, the Child Support Obligation for Post-Secondary Education Worksheet, and the Child Support Parenting Time Credit Worksheet will also be necessary.

The next step for the filing spouse is to file the forms at the County Clerk’s Office (See Court Locations). There is a $139 filing fee, with some county-to-county variation.  The court will be mailing copies to both spouses, so make four copies of each and bring two self addressed stamped envelopes.

Now there are two (2) forms to be filled out together with your spouse;

  • Verified Waiver of Final Hearing
  • Decree of Dissolution of Marriage and Settlement Agreement – The form will be defining the financial underpinnings to you divorce. You will be dividing the cars, the real estate, all the property, and most importantly, you will be apportioning the mortgages, all loans and the credit card debt. This is the hardest part of divorcing without a lawyer, and if the process breaks down, it will be likely to do so here. If it does, the prospects for an inexpensive divorce are gone. So, it is here that both parties must keep their tempers under control, and continue to negotiate in a collegial, businesslike, and cooperative manner. You must also understand that what you agree to here is as binding and final as any other legal contract that you might sign. Unless the Judge finds fault, this agreement is irrevocable.

Submit the forms of to the Clerk along with 2 self-addressed, stamped envelopes.

What comes in the mail next will either be a notice as to your court date, or, if you’ve done everything to the Judge’s satisfaction, it might well be you final Divorce Decree. In Indiana, the whole process can take anywhere from 3 months to a year.

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