Download Indiana LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Indiana LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The Indiana LLC articles of organization documents allow a person to create a domestic company in Indiana by filing online or in the traditional paper forms. An applicant is recommended to check with the business database to ensure their name has not been registered by another entity. Once the application is completed, the filing fee of $90 must be paid online or attached via check to the document.

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How To File

  • Option 1 – *Apply Online  – After completing the online form you will be forwarded to the payment page for the required $90 filing fee. *Online filings are only available for domestic companies.
  • Option 2 – Printable Application –  A paper filing is still accepted. Select from one of the following forms;
    • Domestic (Form 49459) – For all new companies that will be located inside the State.
    • Foreign (Form 49464) – For all existing companies located outside the State.

Fill in the form stating the entity’s information, attach a check payable to the Secretary of State’s office for $90 and send to:

Secretary of State Corporations Division
302 W. Washington Street Room E018
Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204


  • EIN Number – It is always recommended that if any entity is to be registering a bank account or conducting business affairs that a Employer Identification Number be attained.
  • LLC Operating Agreement – It is recommended that every person that applies for an LLC download and complete this form to protect themselves from partners and entity status. This agreement outlines the basic terms of the company’s payout and ownership structure, as well as protect a single owner from any claims that it is just a shield for tax purposes.


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