Download Insanity Workout Schedule | Printable PDF

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Insanity Workout Schedule | Printable PDF

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The Insanity Workout is a creation of Shaun Thompson, better known as Shaun T. The program is sixty days long, and is based on interval training – you work out in three to five minute blasts absolutely as hard as you can. Then, after a very short rest, you start right back in again at a new, equally challenging exercise. The program is a continuum of very intense cardiovascular work and strength training not based on weights, but rather on body weight exercises. It will produce a lean, hard body, but not a bulky one, and is designed to be of equal value to both men and women.

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How to Use an Insanity Workout Schedule

The program is based on your commitment to yourself to work out hard for from forty minutes to one hour six days each week, and there is a different group of exercises that are called for each day. No two consecutive days are the same. After four weeks, before you begin the second half of the program, the Insanity Workout Schedule calls for a recovery week, but you won’t call it that! It’s still pretty hard, but the intensity level is down just a tad – for now.

Then, you graduate into the second half of the program. You are presented with new sequences of exercises, more difficult than the first, for the second and final month of the program. The basic premise is the same: three to five minutes of intense exercise, about a half-minute of rest, and then on to something new. As it was during the first week, no two days in a row are the same, and no two weeks are the same. Yes, this second month will be harder, but you’ll be ready for it.

Unlike most other exercise programs of this caliber, the Insanity Workout is to some extent open-source, in effect. It’s easy to find printable Insanity Workout Schedules from multiple sources online. Video demonstrations of athletes performing the specific interval exercises that they specify are also readily available.

The complete course, including authorized videos, study guides and many, many other resources is available from the source and will be an invaluable help to anyone who wants to work really hard to get really fit. The great advantage of owning the course are the DVD’s that illustrate exactly what you need to be doing each minute of each workout, along with visual and verbal instruction on each move’s finer points.

The course, from start to finish, consists mainly of about ten separate workouts. Cardiovascular work is the sine qua non of the Insanity Workout, and every workout takes dead aim at challenging you in this area. Each individual session will stress different area of strength training, or perhaps push you further along on the path cardiovascular achievement.


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