Download Fillable IRS Form 2848 – Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative

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Fillable IRS Form 2848 – Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative

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IRS form 2848 is for listing a power of attorney for a tax payer. This power of attorney allows another person to represent a taxpayer with regard to filing taxes and appearing on behalf of the tax payer in IRS proceedings. This tax form must be filed by the person representing the tax payer (the representative who would be applying for power of attorney).

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How to Fill-in

  • Step 1 – Tax Payer Information

The tax payer that will give power of attorney must provide all of their personal information, name, address, SS number, EIN if this is a corporation, telephone number and plan number must be placed in box 1.

  • Step 2 – Assuming Party or Parties Information

The individual or individuals who would be assuming power of attorney, must provide their information. All information for all parties assuming power of attorney must provide their individual information. This information must be followed by their CAF number, telephone number as well as a fax number.

  • Step 3 – Scope of Power of Attorney

The person who will allow power of attorney is allowed to decide or elect the scope of the power of attorney. Provide the dates, tax matters and tax form issues in box 3.

  • Step 4 – Definition of Power of Attorney

In box 5 there will be definitions of the power of attorney and will allow the tax payer to add or delete information so definition can be specified. The tax payer may also choose to accept the standard form as it is in this section. Make selections appropriately.

  • Step 5 – Receipt of Tax Refund Checks

This is a very important step inasmuch as the tax payer will choose whether or not to allow the selected power of attorney(s) to accept refund check but not cash them. In box 6 you will sign this box if you want to select this option.

  • Step 6 – Retaining Previous Power of Attorney

You may not wish to keep previous powers of attorney in place. However, if you do wish to keep other powers of attorney in place, you will be required to attach the previous documents to this power of attorney. This information will be placed in boxes 7 and 8.

  • Step 7 – Certification

If the forms will be represented for a joint filing both parties must sign the bottom of this form. You must also provide the tax PIN number in order for the form to be effective. The representative will need to declare their status in part 2 and certify the declaration by their signature.

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