Download Jane Eyre eBook

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Jane Eyre eBook

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  • Author –  Charlotte Bronte
  • Illustrator – F.H.Townsend
  • Genre – Gothic fiction, social criticism, bildungsroman
  • Release/Published Date – 16 October 1847

Jane Eyre is an autobiography penned by English writer Charlotte Bronte. However, the book was published under the pseudo name of Currer Bell on 16th October 1847. The book belongs to “growing up years “genre, and it follows the life journey of a character by the same name. The book tantalizingly unfolds into new plots with Jane’s changing moral and spiritual sensibility. However, the crux of the story are its strong moral values even it was considered to be too liberal for its times.  This eBook features the illustrated version by F.H.Townsend.

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The author narrates the story from a first person view and it can be distinctly categorized in five sections, Childhood years, Schooling, her job as a Governess, her years with the Rivers family and her reunion with her lover. The book is divided into 38 chapters, with the original edition published in three volumes as was the norm in 19th Century.

The story begins with her childhood at an institution called Lowood, a place for orphan girls. The pupils face severe conditions due to poor meals, no heating systems in rooms and dearth of proper clothing. Jane decides to leave this place and advertises herself as a governess. She lands up a job teaching a young French girl at a place called Thornfield and falls in love with the master of the house. Following a failed relation she travels far away from Thornfield.  By chance, she ends up with the Rivers family. The family consists of Donna, Mary and their brother, clergyman, St John. He is shown to be aloof however in course of time he proposes Jane and asks her to travel with him to India as a Duty. Jane agrees to the travel however as brother and sister.

Upon, Jane’s rejection, St John founds himself weak. Jane fantasizes that her master at Thornfield is calling out for her. She decides to follow her instincts and goes back. However, she is greeted by blackened ruins as the house is set to flames by her master’s jealous wife, who also commits suicide. Rochester, her master, has lost a limb and eye during a valiant effort to her.  Jane pledges her unflinching love towards her master and they get married. The end shows Rochester slightly recovered physically and the birth of their first child.

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