Download Kansas Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Kansas Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Get power of attorney in Kansas by downloading one of the forms and choosing someone to act as an agent to handle either medical or financial responsibilities on your behalf. Complete the document and have authorized in front of a notary public (or in in some cases you may have 2 non-blood related witnesses) in order for it to be legal. If you would like to know more about specific laws you may view Chapter 58 Article 6 Powers and Letters of Attorney.

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Types of Power of Attorney

  • Durable Financial – Allows for a person to select an agent to handle any and all monetary related decisions on his or her behalf at anytime. The most common reason this form is used is for friends or family that may not be able to pay bills on their own due to a medical condition. To get durable power of attorney, complete this form and sign in front of a notary public.
  • Medical – Use to outline your requests for a person to take care of your health care needs if you cannot do so for yourself. You will be able to put forward exactly what rights you would like your agent to have. Once it has been signed and notarized, the form is legally in effect.
  • State Tax Filing (2848) – Use to have someone else handle your tax filing on your behalf. Typically, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) will attach this to your filing when it is ready to be submitted to the Department of Revenue.
  • Vehicle – Use to grant someone else the right to make any type of title decision with a vehicle you own. This means that the person you select may sell, register, or receive Title for it. Once it has been signed by you the form becomes legal for use.
  • Revocation – Allows a person that has a power of attorney form in existence to cancel the document. Make sure to issue the completed revocation to any and all institutions that need to be informed of the change so that the agent may no longer act in your presence.
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