Download Louisiana Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Louisiana Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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The Louisiana power of attorney documents allow for the designation of an agent to handle financial and health care decisions on behalf of someone else. In order to make this designation legal, all the parties must sign the form in front of a notary public (which can be found at every branch bank). Each person should keep an original for their records. If the principal, agent, or any other party would like to read more about their rights he or she may do so by viewing the Louisiana Power of Attorney Mandates.

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  • Durable General ($) – Use this document to choose a representative to have the unlimited power to make any type of monetary or financial decision on your behalf.
  • Medical – Let someone of your choosing to have the power to make any type of health care decision (in your best interests) in the chance you may not be able to speak for yourself. If the principal would not like the help of a surrogate and make only predetermined decisions on their own about their end of life treatment, a living will would be best.
  • Tax – Complete this form in order to have someone else be able to handle your tax filing on your behalf. Typically a tax attorney or CPA will have this document for you to sign when completing your taxes.
  • Real Estate – It is common to grant power of attorney (usually to a real estate attorney) to someone that is experienced in property transactions to conduct the transaction on your behalf. This can be allowed by completing and signing this document.
  • Register/Title Motor Vehicle – Let’s another person have the legal power to handle the titling or registration of a motor vehicle on your behalf. This can be completed by filling in the form and signing in front of a notary public. Use the finder to locate the nearest Office of Motor Vehicles.
  • Sell a Vehicle – Choose someone to handle the authorization of a purchase and sale of any type of motor vehicle or watercraft located within the State. When authorizing the bill of sale, the agent must sign and mark “POA for _____ (Principal’s Name)”.


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