Download Maine Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Maine Articles of Incorporation Forms

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The Maine articles of incorporation forms are in fillable PDF format that allow an individual to apply for a corporation with the Secretary of State. Depending on the type of form being filed the cost is from $40 to $250 and all documents must be sent via the standard mail.

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How to File Maine Articles of Incorporation Forms

Step 1 – Decide the type of corporation you want and fill-in one of the following forms;

  • Profit – This is the most common and includes all standard and professional uses that are located within the State.
  • Non-Profit – For all non-profit corporations located within the State.
  • Foreign – For all existing corporations located outside the State.

*When filling in the form, it is best to make sure the corporation name you are using is unique or else the application will be rejected.

Step 2 – There is a fee associated with any type of filing. Attach to the articles of incorporation made payable to the Secretary of State;

  • Profit – $145
  • Non-Profit – $250
  • Foreign – $40

Step 3 – Get an envelope and place both items inside and mail to the following address;

Secretary of State 
Division of Corporations, UCC and Commissions 
101 State House Station 
Augusta, ME 04333-0101 


If you have any questions you may contact the Secretary of State one of the following ways;


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