Download Massachusetts Bill of Sale Forms

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Massachusetts Bill of Sale Forms

Download the Massachusetts bill of sale forms that allow the transfer of ownership of a vehicle, boat, all terrain vehicle (ATV), snowmobile, dirt bike, or any other type of motorized craft located within the State. To register, the new owner must return the document along with other required forms to the respective government office.

How to Register a Vehicle in Massachusetts

The new owner must bring the following documents to the Registry of Motor Vehicles (Find Office).

  • Boats
    • Completed and signed vessel bill of sale
    • Pay sales tax at the Department of Revenue’s website – Afterwards, the ST-6 or ST-6E form will be required
    • Vessel Registration Application
    • Title including the written transfer and signature by the seller – If a new vessel, the Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin is required as well

Apply in person at the Energy and Environmental office. Find a location in your area by using the office locator.

