Download Massachusetts Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Massachusetts Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

Massachusetts power of attorney allows for a resident to make someone have the legal right to act in his or her place for any financial or medical related decision. All acts by the representative must be in the best interests of the Principal and the form must be signed with a Notary Public present to be legal. View the Statutes and Laws if either party has any questions about their rights and responsibilities.

  • Durable General ($) – Allows for a principal to grant any and all access for someone else to act and make financial decisions on their behalf. This is common among the elderly where you usually have bills and financial guidance needed if one can no longer think for themselves. The document needs to be signed after it is completed in the presence of a notary public.
  • Medical – Also known as a “Health Care Proxy”, allows a person to choose a medical surrogate to handle their treatment and facility decisions as well as set up a living will.
  • State Tax – Choose an agent (usually a Certified Public Accountant or Tax Attorney) to handle the filing of State taxes. It is recommended to choose someone knowledgeable in the field as the principal will ultimately be responsible for any mis-filings or errors in their statement.

