Download Montana Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Montana Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Montana power of attorney documents may be downloaded in order to have someone else to be able to represent your best interests for either financial or medical decisions. All the persons involved in the form must be present for signing in front of a notary public to be legal.

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  • Medical – Select a person (known as an “health care surrogate”) to handle medical treatment and facility decisions in the chance that you cannot do so for yourself. In order for the form to be completed it must be filled in along with at least two witnesses or a notary public to view the signatures of the principal and agent.
  • State Tax – In order to have another person (most likely a CPA or tax attorney) be able to complete taxes on your behalf, this document will need to be completed and signed by all parties. The principal should be aware that any errors on the filing to the Department of Revenue will ultimately be his or her liability.
  • Vehicle – A person that owns a motor vehicle in the State may authorize this document (with a notary present) to transfer ownership, register, and obtain title.
  • Parental Guardianship (For a Minor) – The principal must be the parent of the child and may only use this document to transfer guardianship rights to a relative for a fixed period not exceeding six (6) months before it must be renewed.


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