Download Montana Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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Montana Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

Month to Month | PDF | Word

Tenancy at Will | PDF | Word

SubLease Agreement | PDF | Word

SubLease | PDF | Word

Montana lease agreements allow for a Tenant to be able to rent a residential or commercial unit from a Landlord or Property Manager with terms and conditions that both parties must abide. Once the document has been signed by Lessor and Lessee, it becomes legal and both are bound to it’s terms. If either party has any questions about the laws within the State they should refer to the Tenant Rights and Duties Handbook.

See All LawsTitle 70 Chapter 24


  • Rental Application – Download this document for a tenant to apply for a residential unit in order to rent on a monthly basis for a fixed term. The landlord will verify the information and the tenant will typically be notified of approval or rejection within 2 to 4 business days. If approved, the tenant will be authorized a lease contract.
  • Standard Residential – Approved by the Montana Board of Realtors. This document provides the tools necessary for a landlord and tenant to enter into an agreement for residential property. Each page must be initialed and once authorized by all parties the form becomes legal and both lessor and lessee will be bound to it’s terms.
  • Month to Month – Also known as a tenancy at will, written for the use of property that is renewed on a monthly basis with no end date. Either party, landlord or tenant, has the right to cancel or alter the agreement with at least thirty (30) days’ notice to the other group. (See laws with Statute 70-24-441).
  • SubLease – Used by a tenant that has a written agreement with a landlord and would like to sublet the property, or a portion of it, to someone else. The sublessor must inform the landlord if they wish to lease the premises fully to a third (3rd) party (See Statute 70-24-305).

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit 
    • Limit – There is no statutory limit on how much the landlord may require
    • Return (70-25-202) – The landlord must return the deposit to tenant within thirty (30) days if there are any itemized deductions, if not, the landlord must return the amount within ten (10) days.
  • Access – The landlord must provide at least twenty-four (24) hours notice before entering the property

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