Download New Jersey Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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New Jersey Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

Download the New Jersey lease agreements in Adobe PDF (.pdf) that permits a person to be able to rent property from a landlord for payments on a monthly basis. Upon the authorization of the document it becomes legal and both are bound to its terms until it’s end date. If either party has any questions about their rights or laws within the State they should view the New Jersey Landlord and Tenant Laws.

  • Rental Application – This form allows a landlord or manager to view any and all information that is written on it in their verification process to see if a potential tenant is qualified for an agreement. It may be a good idea for a tenant when searching to complete and make multiple copies to hand out to landlords and property managers to see if they qualify.
  • Standard Residential – Write an agreement in New Jersey by having a landlord and tenant agree to terms (it is recommended that the potential tenant’s income be verified through a rental application) and authorize. Most real estate lease contracts are for a term of one (1) year.
  • Month to Month – Also known as a tenancy at will allows for a landlord-tenant relationship to continue without an end date but may be cancelled at anytime with at least thirty (30) days’ notice to one another (See Statute 2A:18-56).
  • Sublet – Makes it possible for an individual to rent the same property that he or she is currently under a lease agreement. The landlord must be notified of this arrangement and the 1st tenant (“sublessor”) is still bound to paying the original monthly payment amount whether or not the sublessee pays.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Limit – One and a half (1.5) months’ rent
    • Returning – Thirty (30) days
  • Landlord’s Access – Repairs and Inspections One (1) Day Written Notice – “Reasonable Notice” for any other reasons

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