Download Navy Federal Credit Union Membership Application

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Navy Federal Credit Union Membership Application

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Download the Navy Credit Union membership application to join the largest bank that is solely for all military service people and their family members (including all departments of the army, marines, navy, air force, and coast guard).

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How to Apply for a Navy Credit Union Account

Option 1 – Apply Online – The fastest way to know if you are qualified for a bank account at Federal Credit Union is by filling out the forms online. After 10 to 15 minutes of answering questions and verifying your identity you will re-directed to the decision page where you will be notified of approval. If you are approved, a card along with banking information (including sample checks) will be sent to the address provided.

Option 2 – Call – You may always call to speak with a representative to assist you in applying over the phone at 1-888-842-6328.

Option 3  – Visit a Branch – You may apply by going to a branch bank nearest you.

Option 4 – Printable Application – Complete this application and send through the following options:

  • Fax – (703) 206-4600
  • Mail to: PO Box 3002, Merrifield, VA 22116-9887

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