Download Nebraska LLC Articles of Organization Templates

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Nebraska LLC Articles of Organization Templates

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Apply for an LLC in Nebraska online. The templates only serve as informational use as the Secretary of State no longer will accept the applications in the mail. The forms shown are for example purposes of the information that will be asked while completing on the State’s website.

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  • Name Availability – It is always recommended when filing to check the business database to check for duplicate entity names. If an application is submitted with another company with the same name it will be rejected.

How to File

Apply Online This is the only way for creating a company in Nebraska. After completing the online form you will be directed to pay the filing fee ($100 for Domestic and $120 for foreign) and will receive the new LLC to the mailing address provided within 7 to 10 business days.

Paper Applications

Download and view the articles of organization form to see the type of information the Secretary of State will be requesting.

  • Domestic (Most Common) – For most companies that will be located within the State
  • Foreign – All companies located outside the State looking to transact business in Nebraska.

Contact Information


  • EIN Number – This is a required number to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service to conduct financial activities such as opening bank accounts and applying for credit cards.
  • Operating Agreement – This form is used to protect all members in an LLC to outline the terms and conditions of how the company will operate in reference to ownership and payment details. This also helps a single member company by showing proof the entity is not just a tax shield but a running business.


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