Download Nepali Calendar

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Nepali Calendar

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The Nepali Calendar is a Bikram Sambat Calendar. It is also known as the Nepali Patro. This calendar is used most in Nepal and India. Other countries that would use the Nepali Calendar may be Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Thailand. The Nepali Calendar is about 56 and 8.5 months in advance of the Gregorian Calendar (A.D.) The Gregorian calendar is predetermined in months and days. This is not the case with the Nepali calendar. This calendar will vary from year to year. Monthly variations could be from 29 to 32 days each month. The current year for the Nepali calendar is 2071 B.S./2014 A.D. Since the Nepali New Year will fall, next year on April 14th according to the Gregorian calendar so shall the new Nepali calendar begin on April 14th.

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Brief History

The Nepali Calendar also known as Bikram Sambat was established by the Indian Emperor Vikramaditya. This calendar is recognized as the official calendar of Nepal. Interestingly, the Gregorian calendar is also very much accepted as a part of the Nepali community.

The Nepali Calendar is a a solar calendar. It’s based on Hindu ancient traditions. There are different significant aspects with regard to the Nepali calendar. Nearly all of the rituals and festivals are observed with this particular calendar.

Nepali Calendar Special Festival and Ritual Dates

  • Nepali New Year
  • Buddha Jayanti
  • Ramzan Id/Eid-ul-Fitar
  • Raksha Bandhan or Janaypurnima
  • Kuse Aunsi also known as Father’s Day
  • Teej
  • Ghatasthapana
  • Bijaya Dashami
  • Teacher’s Day
  • Lakshmi Puja
  • Bahi Tika
  • Chhath Puja
  • Christmas Day
  • Tamu Loshar
  • Chaite Dahsain
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