Download Nevada Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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Nevada Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

The Nevada lease agreements are for a landlord and tenant to be able to come to an agreement over the occupation of a residential unit. Once the form has been signed by both lessor and lessee it becomes legal for use and both parties will be held responsible to their end of the contract. If either party has any questions about their rights they should refer to Nevada Landlord and Tenant Law (Chapter 118A).

  • Realtor Version – This document has been approved by the Greater Nevada Realtors Association for a landlord and tenant to be able to come to an agreement over the leasing of a residential unit. Typically this form is for a one (1) year term and an application is usually reviewed by the landlord before approving the tenant.
  • Standard Version – A standard template for devising an agreement between a landlord and tenant. It is for a fixed period to be determined by the parties but is usually a twelve (12) month tenancy.
  • Month to Month – Otherwise known as a “tenancy at will”, allows the lessor and lessee to have an arrangement that renews every month as long as rent is paid on time. The agreement has no end date and continues until one party changes or terminates it’s terms. If the landlord decides to terminate the contract, lessor must provide at least forty five (45) days written notice to the lessee.
  • Rental Application – Check a tenant’s credit, rental, and employment history as well as check references. Before entering into a binding contract, it is recommended the landlord verify the potential tenant’s income in order to make sure that he or she will be paying rent in a timely manner.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Limit – Three (3) months’ rent is the maximum a lessor may collect
    • Returning – Landlord must return the deposit within thirty (30) days
  • Access – Landlord must provide at least twenty-four (24) hours notice before entering the property for any reason other than an emergency

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