Download North Carolina LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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North Carolina LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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  • Revised January 1, 2014

The articles of organization in North Carolina is a two (2) page form that allows a person to be able to apply for an LLC. Once this form is complete, a filing fee should be attached and sent to the Secretary of State’s office (Commercial Division). All filings should be made in pursuant to State law(s) located in Chapter 55D.

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  • Check Entity Name – It is advised that before every LLC is created, that the applicant check to make sure the name has not been previously registered.

How to File

Step 1 – Fill in Application – Download and complete the articles of organization;

  • Domestic (Form L-01) – Use for any new company that will have it’s principal place of business in the State.
  • Foreign (Form L-09) – Also referred to as the ‘Certificate of Authority’, For any company located outside the State that seeks to conduct business affairs in North Carolina.

Step 2 – Attach the Fee – There is a filing fee of $125 for domestic and $250 for foreign LLC’s. Make the check payable to the North Carolina Secretary of State’s office.

Step 3 – Send – Send the form and fee to the following address:

P.O. Box 29622
RALEIGH, NC 27626-0622


  • EIN Number Application – If you are looking to create a bank account with your LLC, an EIN must be obtained from the IRS. This is a free service and can be applied for online.
  • LLC Operating Agreement – If you have partners or running a business on your own, an LLC operating agreement is highly recommended. The form outlines each partners distribution and percentage of ownership. If it is a single member, it further helps the case to prove entity status in case of any exposure of tax audit.


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