Download Ohio Department of Taxation Tax Forms

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Ohio Department of Taxation Tax Forms

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Ohio tax forms can be used to file with the Department of Taxation on your own or with a preparation professional. If the professional used prepares more than 25 Ohio income tax returns, they will be required to file electronically. The law states that the mandate will apply once the preparer has prepared 75 returns at which point returns must be filed electronically.

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Tax Brackets in Ohio

The state of Ohio has eighteen marginal tax brackets that will range from the lowest rate of 0.59% to the highest tax bracket of 5.92%. Ohio tax rates will only apply to earnings within your appropriate tax bracket.

Single Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $5,200, you will pay 0.59%
  • Earnings between $5,200.00 and $10,400, you will pay 1.17% + $30.68
  • Earnings between $10,400.00 and $15,650, you will pay 2.35% + $91.52
  • Earnings between $15,650.00 and $20,900, you will pay 2.94% + $214.90
  • Earnings between $20,900.00 and $41,700, you will pay 3.52% + $369.25
  • Earnings between $41,700.00 and $83,350, you will pay 4.11% + $1,101.41
  • Earnings between $83,350.00 and $104,250, you will pay 4.70% + $2,813.22
  • Earnings between $104,250.00 and $208,500, you will pay 5.45% + $3,795.52
  • Earnings over $208,500.00, you will pay 5.92% + $9,477.15 

Married Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $5,100, you will pay 0.59%
  • Earnings between $5,100.00 and $10,200, you will pay 1.17% + $30.09
  • Earnings between $10,200.00 and $15,350, you will pay 2.35% + $89.76
  • Earnings between $15,350.00 and $20,450, you will pay 2.94% + $210.79
  • Earnings between $20,450.00 and $40,850, you will pay 3.52% + $360.73
  • Earnings between $40,850.00 and $81,650, you will pay 4.11% + $1,078.81
  • Earnings between $81,650.00 and $102,100, you will pay 4.70% + $2,755.69
  • Earnings between $102,100.00 and $204,200, you will pay 5.45% + $3,716.84
  • Earnings over $204,200.00, you will pay 5.92% + $9,281.29


Ohio does not have a state extension form but allows the same extension as allowed by the IRS. You’ll need to include with your Ohio individual income tax return, a copy of your IRS extension or the extension confirmation number provided. You may also include printed copy of your Internal Revenue Service acknowledgement.

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address

  • Ohio Department of Taxation P.O. Box 2679 Columbus, Ohio 43270-2679

Return without Refund

  • Ohio Department of Taxation P.O. Box 2057 Columbus, Ohio 43270-2057


  • Ohio Department of Taxation PO Box 1460 Columbus, Ohio 43216-1460 
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