Download Oklahoma LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Oklahoma LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Download and complete the Oklahoma LLC articles of organization forms or file online that allows the registration of new companies to conduct business transactions. Attach the required filing fee and send to the Secretary of State’s office.

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  • Check Business Name – Make sure to search the entity database to see if a filing has already been established under the name you have selected. If no duplicate terms appear then you are cleared to use the name selected.

How to File

Step 1 – Fill-in Form – Apply online or fill in the articles of organization (choose one below) on your computer or print in neat handwriting with a black pen.

  • Domestic – (Most Common) – For any standard company located within the State.
  • Professional – For all in-State companies that hold a special license from the State such as an attorney, medical office, etc.
  • Foreign – For any standard company located outside the State.

*You will be asked to pay the $100 filing fee (*$300 for foreign LLC’s) at the end of your session. The application process is complete and you should be notified of your completed formation in the mail within 5 to 7 business days.

Step 2 – Fee – Make a check payable to the Oklahoma Secretary of State in the amount of $100 (*$300 for foreign LLC’s). Attach the check to your completed filing.

Step 3 – Fax or Mail – Send the filled in form and fee to the following fax number or mailing address:

  • Fax – 1(405) 521-3771
  • Mail – 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 101, State Capitol, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73105-4897

Contact Secretary of State

Telephone: 1(405) 521-4911


  • LLC Operating Agreement – It is recommended that the company (after formation) complete an operating agreement to outline it’s business activity and purpose to help ensure it’s entity status. If there are members, this agreement will help establish the terms of who owns how much and any capital investments that were made.
  • Employment Identification Number (EIN) – This number is required whenever a new company will be applying for credit or registering a bank account. Provided free from the IRS and can be applied for online or through a paper filing.


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