Download Oklahoma Power of Attorney Forms – PDF Templates

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Oklahoma Power of Attorney Forms – PDF Templates

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Oklahoma power of attorney grants the permission from one person to another to make any type of financial, medical, or tax decision for the other person’s behalf. All documents are required to be signed under the witness of a notary public or with two witnesses in order for it to be used legally. If either party has any questions about their rights or duties he or she may view Statute Title 58 (Download in PDF).

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Durable – Document allows a person to select unlimited or specific financial powers to let someone else be able to handle to his or her benefit. Once the form is completely filled in, you and the selected agent must sign in front of a notary public or at least two (2) witnesses in order for it to be legal for use. See Statute – §58-1072.2

Medical – Use this document to select an agent, also referred to as a “health care surrogate”, to be able to select medical treatment options to your benefit if you should be in a position where you cannot make them for yourself.

  • If the principal would like to only like to create their life ending treatment options and decisions without the use of a surrogate to carry them out, a living will should be completed.

Tax (BT-129) – Document lets a resident of Oklahoma to select any person of their choosing to file taxes on their behalf. It is recommended that a professional such as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) be selected and this form must be updated every year and attached to your tax filing upon submission.

Revocation – Use to cancel any existing power of attorney document. After it is signed it is recommended to be forwarded to all financial and medical institutions to notify that the form has been voided and should not be acceptable if it is presented by the agent.

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