Download P90X Schedule | Workout | Lean | Fillable PDF

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P90X Schedule | Workout | Lean | Fillable PDF

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Power 90 Extreme, or P90X, is an intense exercise regimen developed by Tony Horton. The complete program also includes nutritional directives, and is designed to be a program for people who are already in good shape to pursue true athletic excellence. The P90X schedule calls for working out six days each week, with the seventh day devoted to rest or to optional stretching.

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P90X utilizes the circuit training method, with which you go from exercise to exercise with very little rest in between. The contents of the circuits are constantly changing, too. This keeps your body in a constant state of confusion, as the exercises are always hitting it from a slightly different vantage, which is a way to avoid plateaus and to attain the most weight loss and lean muscle growth. Because P90X is based primarily on floor exercises that use minimal equipment and no heavy weights, this is not a program that is designed to produce a bulky body

There are three versions of the P90X, and P90X Classic is the baseline. P90X Lean is for those who are more interested in healthy, exercise-based weight loss than in muscle strengthening. P90X Doubles calls for extra cardiovascular only sessions that must be done in addition to Classic.

The program lasts for a total of three months, or 13 weeks. The first two four week periods are organized in a similar manner, and the last five weeks switches things up even more.

The P90X schedule calls for different groups of exercises on each of the six days of the first week, with one day of rest or optional stretching on day seven. This sequence is repeated exactly during weeks two and three. On the fourth week, the same pattern is followed, only with a new group of exercises for each day. The exercises are just a bit lighter, to allow the body to recover and to confuse it a bit more.

The patterns of the next four weeks, weeks five through eight, are the same as those of the first four weeks. The groups of exercises are changed for each of the six repeating days, except that week eight, the lighter week, is the same as week four.

Then, just when your body started to think that it knew what would be coming at it, the P90X Schedule throws it another curve ball! Week nine calls for new groupings of exercises for each of the six days of the week. Then, week ten calls for yet another six new combinations. Weeks eleven and twelve are repeats of weeks nine and ten. Week thirteen, the lighter week, is the same as weeks four and eight.


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