Download PacSun Job Application Form | PDF Template

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PacSun Job Application Form | PDF Template

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PacSun, short for Pacific Sunwear, is a clothing company based in California and is located in many regional malls in the United States. The to apply for a job the applicant has the option to apply in person with the PDF version of the application or to go online and view available positions for in-store employment and at the corporate level.

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How to Apply


Step 1 – Download the form in Adobe PDF.

Step 2 – Fill-in the document including the following information;

  • Personal Information including all types of Contact
  • Previous Employment
  • Educational History
  • Availability – It is important to show that you are available to work at anytime.
  • Professional References

Step 3 – Go to a store location and present yourself in a professional manner and ask to speak with a manager or upper level individual that oversees employment. When approaching the person ask if there is any help that is needed and, if so, what positions are available.

Step 4 – If interested the manager will ask to see you for training or another interview in about a week or whenever they may need help in the future such as the Christmas season.

Step 1 – Go to the Careers Webpage and choose between a corporate or retail opportunities.


Step 2 – When looking for an in-store position the keywords, position type, area of interest, State, and City must be entered and after doing so the openings will appear (if any).


Step 3 – The results of the openings will appear showing the following;

  • Job Title
  • Requisition #
  • Position Type
  • Area of Interest
  • City
  • State


Step 4 – Click on the job desired to get detailed information and to apply.


Sample Job Listing


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