Download Personal Bio Templates | Sample

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Personal Bio Templates | Sample

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The personal biography lets you present your values and interests in a conversational manner so that it complements the more rigid nature of the resume and cover letter.

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This sounds easier than writing a cover letter, but you need to follow a few guidelines to write an effective biography. The bio should be concise, target a particular audience, and focus on recent events, although touching on relevant accomplishments or interests from any time of your life is also encouraged.

How to Write

You can begin the bio by introducing yourself in the third person and then stating your professional title and the company you work for, describing the type of work you do, or even saying where you were born. For example, you could begin with “John Smith is the senior project manager at Sontech Publishing. With over 10 years of experience producing content for leading publishers such as [], he possesses a deep understanding of client expectations and project organization.”

Next, you can discuss your accomplishments and skills. Here, you would state which clients you have worked for, which particular skills you have that stand out, and which products or services you have produced. These could include books you have written, websites you have managed or created, etc. Also, be sure to include any awards you’ve won.

After that, you should make closing remarks. You could state your professional ethos and any project you are currently working on, and then finish by stating where you currently reside. You don’t have to follow this exact structure, however. You may write it chronologically so that you discuss your life and work beginning with where you were born.


John Smith received _______________ [degree/training] from _______________ [university name] and currently teaches _______________ [subjects] at _______________ [name of institution]. A lifelong advocate of _______________ [fundamental beliefs], he involves his students in _______________ [projects that reflect beliefs]. His professional interests focus on _______________ [skills/expertise], and his current projects include _______________. In addition, _______________ [list any organizations you serve with]. He was recently honored with the _______________ [name of award] for his contributions to _______________ [field/organization]. He currently resides in _______________ [city, state].

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