Download Personal Budget Templates | Excel (.xls)

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Personal Budget Templates | Excel (.xls)

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A personal budget template using excel might have 14 columns. The top heading for these columns would be, first, the budget item. The next twelve column headings would be for the months of the year, and the last would be for totals.

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How to Make a Personal Budget

  1. The first column would be for typical items in a family’s budget, like food, clothing, healthcare, transportation, rent and anything else your family spends money on. To the right of rent, you would enter what you have budgeted for rent in the January through December columns. In column fourteen, the spreadsheet totals up your budgetary allocation for rent for the year.
  2. To the right of the food budget item, nothing would be entered in the monthly columns, because food would have, in the rows underneath it, such sub-entries as meat, fruit, vegetables, and dairy products. To the right of these sub-entries, in the monthly columns, you would enter the budgeted amounts for them in the relevant months. Underneath all the sub entries, there would be another row marked as “Food Total”. Here, all your estimates for food sub-entries would be totaled by the spreadsheet.
  3. The last column in the Personal Budget Template would have the yearly total for each food sub-entry, and for the food total. The last row under each month would have your total expenditure for the month. And, finally, the very last row of column fourteen would total up you total up your total budgeted expenditures for the year.
  4. All the totaling we have described is possible because this Personal Budget Template has been build out of the excel spreadsheet. Excel offers a facility called sheets, where multiple spreadsheets, called sheets, can be combined into one worksheet. All we have described thus far is entered into the first sheet, which can be named “My Family’s Budget”. This sheet will contain the amounts you have budgeted for each expense, for each month.
  5. The next two sheets can be called “Actual Amounts”, where you list the amounts that you actually have spent, again month-by-month, item-by-item. The last sheet can be named “Variance”. It will compare each item, and highlight the difference between what you hoped to spend and what you actually did spend.
  6. Thus, your Personal Budget Template will demonstrate to you, in clear numbers, exactly where your money went in comparison to your original plan, and highlight the areas that might need more discipline.
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